Alentus Webmail Attachments Fail During Send

There is a known problem with the basic WebMail software that causes problems when sending messages with an attachment. Once a message is uploaded, you need to return to the message entry screen before sending, then use the send message function. To get back to the message entry screen, click the "Preview" button.

If you attempt to send the message from the upload attachment screen, often it will fail. This is due to a problem in the WebMail software and at present there is no available patch to correct this problem.

If you are interested in advanced WebMail features you may also be interested in our new AlentusMail system. This system has a many more features than basic WebMail and a number of deficiencies in the basic system are addressed in AlentusMail.

We are currently offering a free demo period for our existing customers to test-drive AlentusMail. You can find more information on AlentusMail at:

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