I am having trouble with WebMail, how can I be sure that cookies are working properly?

Many of the features offered through Alentus require that Cookies be enabled for the site in question. Please try the following:

1. Reboot your machine.

2. In the cookie setting for your browser, please ensure that you add "YourDomain.com (or .org, .net, etc.)" and "alentus.com" into the "always allow" exception list. For example, in Internet Explorer:

a. From the menu choose "Tools" > "InternetOptions" > "Privacy" tab > click "Edit" button.
b. In the Websites section - add the sites as described above.

3. Go to the following address in a browser: mail. (or .net, .org, etc)

4. Choose "Webmail Login", enter the login information.

UserID: EmailName@Domain.com
Password: Password for UserID

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